Friday, July 1, 2011

Thing #10

My school's librarian shared the Flickr-Creative Commons site with us a couple of years ago after she took this course.  Other than that, I have never noticed the CC symbol on anything.  I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for that nugget of information.  However, I used the CC Content Directories in the Stretch task to find ookaboo: free pictures of everything on earth, and the Free Music Archive. I am always looking for images and music to use with my moderate to severely disabled students to help them understand the world around them. I have not really shared my creations with others, but having these sites available will help me to be more creative and have the ability to share with anyone who is interested.


  1. The fact that you are doing so well with these assignmentes is an inspiration. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks for cheering me on! Actually, my husband and I are empty-nesters so I have time to work on it. I read your blogs and saw that you have a very busy life! I hope you'll continue. Please give me the name of the blog (and/or the link) you're using for this class so I can follow your progress, too.
